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Krissy Matthew

Certified Yoga Instructor

I have been practicing yoga since 2003 and teaching since 2010, gathering over 700 hours of training since then. I have been a student, a teacher, and a teacher of teachers, gaining experience and knowledge along the way, and in that time I have learned that when yoga is practiced with mindful attention it can facilitate radical change, not merely in the body but in the heart and spirit.

As I was taught, yoga is a way to clear the dust that covers the lens of our perception; with this clarity the practitioner can fully embrace the radiant being they already are, and truly embrace life with wholeness.

All of this is imbued in my classes-  moving our bodies through asana, from passive in yin & restorative to active and at times challenging in beginner and slow flow, to awaken the connection; using our breath in pranayama to make the connection deeper and stronger; finally culminating in meditation to honor our work and sustain the connection with our whole beings. No class will be exactly the same, but all will hold to this basic structure.

Yoga has helped me accept myself, and love myself, for who I am, and it continues to be my great pleasure to share what I've found with any and everyone who is willing.


One beautiful thing about this practice is that it conforms to you, all you have to do is show up and open your heart and you'll get what you need. It is the easiest- and hardest!- thing to do, and it is worth it. Because you are. 

Krissy Matthew
Lisa Hummel: TeamMember
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